Author Archives: Vineet Chander

This Week: The Journey to Joy

the JOURNEY to JOY Discover Your Purpose / Serving the World a Zoom Webinar featuring Dharma Wisdom Talks by four renowned spiritual teachers: Friday, January 22 at 6pm EST  Swami Sarvapriyananda  Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Saturday, January 23 at 10am EST … Continue reading

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A Prayer for Reconciliation

स्वस्त्यस्तु विश्वस्य खल: प्रसीदतांध्यायन्तु भूतानि शिवं मिथो धिया ।मनश्च भद्रं भजतादधोक्षजेआवेश्यतां नो मतिरप्यहैतुकी ॥ ९ ॥ svasty astu viśvasya khalaḥ prasīdatāṁdhyāyantu bhūtāni śivaṁ mitho dhiyāmanaś ca bhadraṁ bhajatād adhokṣajeāveśyatāṁ no matir apy ahaitukī “May the entire universe be blessed with … Continue reading

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The Spirit of Christmas

For those in our community who celebrate Christmas, religiously or culturally, we wish you a joyous and blessed holiday. Many Hindus have found ways to incorporate Christmas into their own spiritual practice, and a number of Hindu teachers consider Jesus, … Continue reading

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Happiness Beyond Mind

A few months ago, a friend excitedly recommended Happiness Beyond Mind to me. I told my friend I’d check it out (more out of politeness than genuine interest, if I am to be honest), and quickly forgot about it. But … Continue reading

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In Sanskrit, the word for “grateful” is kritajna, which literally means “one who remembers the past deeds of another.” My spiritual teacher once shared with me a wisdom lesson he had received, decades earlier, from a wandering monk in India. … Continue reading

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Divya Jyoti

Since the Hindu Life Program started in 2008, we have had the privilege and honor of hosting a grand Dipavali celebration on campus– our beloved Diwali at the Chapel event. This year, of course, because of the Covid pandemic and … Continue reading

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